Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden
The Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden covers 10.5 acres of display gardens, woodlands, and trails reclaimed from a suburban brownfield.
Highlights of the currently developed 3 acres include the Seike Japanese Garden, "Elda Behm's Paradise Garden", the "Sensory Garden", located adjacent to the SeaTac Senior Center, and display gardens planted and maintained by the King County Iris Society, Puget Sound Daylily Club, Seattle Rose Society, and the City of SeaTac Parks Department.
Projects currently in the design phase include the "Natural Yard Care" Garden and a display bed for our newest garden partners, the Puget Sound Fuchsia Society.
The garden is located 1 mile north of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, and just south of the SeaTac Community Center and the SeaTac Senior Center buildings. The garden is open daily from 7 a.m. to dusk, and admission is free. For complete directions and visitor's information, click here.