Grandparents experienced in child rearing ways
Tue, 01/09/2007
Since the beginning of time parents have relied upon experts to mentor them concerning parenting. In the extended family/farm community there was always someone older and more experienced who could watch over the little ones while the younger, more vigorous parents were out doing the chores of the day. After all, the older members of society have a wealth of knowledge about teaching young children to become independent adults.
Today parents live in relative isolation from such experienced caregivers. Young parents muddle through, using trial and error to find a way to control youngsters. Sometimes their lives are so stressed they don't get beyond control issues in order to take on the parental duty of teaching their children.
I had considered that since my husband and I had raised four children we didn't have to think about the education of little ones anymore. But it was all brought back to us when our great grandson came to visit with his parents. It seems that their husky little butterball angel has now become the two-year old from hell. Well, perhaps I shouldn't put it quite this strong. What he is becoming is his own person with a strong sense of self. He is finally separating from his mother and testing his own independence.
Once he was content to explore, put things into his mouth to examine them and perk up at every little sound. Now he can test his power in the presence of bigger, older adults. He is now two. When we were raising our children there were articles about the Terrible Twos. We were given solace that soon we could look forward to the Trusting Threes who would soon develop into the Fascinating Fours. But first we parents had to get through the Terrible Twos. Luckily I could write my feelings onto paper or I would not have lasted through this stage. One of my poems helped me deal with experiencing and supervising a two-year-old.
And what of two?
The sweet shyness of two
But in the next brief moment
A storm of protest that one must not resist
For in the resisting one loses
Two must save face
Two must have its way
Two must love and caress
But there is no coaxing affection from two.
Let two show you the way
The way of bubbling excitement
And yet of strict observance of the ritual
Which we can no longer abide.
Such a short time for twoness
Please let two be two for just a while
And do not fear that this twoness will last.
You will soon be comforted by three
And so as our energized great, grandson squirmed and struggled in the arms of his mother, I realized how wonderful grandparenting is. Great Grandpa and I reveled in two's game playing and sly maneuvers. But when it was time for the tantrums and defiance of two, he went home with his own parents who wondered just how much discipline they should administer and how long this stage was going to last. We great grandparents settled back into our comfortable chairs for the rest of the evening.
Georgie Bright Kunkel is a freelance writer and speaks on a variety of subjects to groups throughout King County. She can be contacted by emailing