Seattle set a new record for recycling rates, with 52.1 percent of residential garbage heading to recycling bins instead of the landfills.
The residential recycling rate climbed by 2.7 percentage points compared to 2004 and was 2.2 percentage points higher that the previous record set in 1995. The figures are based on an annual waste audit conducted by Seattle Public Utilities.
"Seattle is once again leading the way on recycling, thanks to the commitment of residents across the city," Mayor Greg Nickels said. "People understand that recycling is one of the most important steps they can take to protect the environment, and it shows the kind of impact we can make when everyone works together."
New programs, such as the city's food waste service and recycling ordinance, made a difference. In the first year of the food waste program, residents recycled 6,000 tons of scraps. Businesses recycled 68,000 tons of paper in 2005, nearly 14,000 tons more than in 2004.