opposes tunnel lite
We support the governor's position in going forward with the rebuild of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Building a new elevated structure will save the citizens of the Seattle area $3 billion. We believe the majority of the Seattle citizens oppose any tunnel.
The two lane tunnel (Tunnel Lite) will not have the same capacity as the present viaduct. The two lane tunnel will be a death trap at rush hour and will devastate Seattle maritime industry.
The mayor's financial plan for Tunnel Lite is a house of cards, the Port of Seattle does not support tunnel lite because of reduced capacity.
The city can still develop the waterfront, protect people and the maritime industry, and can keep the freight corridors open with the new elevated structure.
The city cost estimates are being developed by the same mayor who was off on a fire station levy by over 40 percent. The city would be responsible for the cost overruns on the tunnel portion of the project, which could run into the multiple hundred of millions of dollars.
Gene Hoglund
Steering Committee
No Tunnel Alliance