I was most interested to read your article in the Feb 14 issue ("Hamilton will be renovated"). I attended what was then called Alexander Hamilton Junior High School from September 1936 to June 1939. I question the graduate who watched the construction of the Aurora Bridge. The Aurora Bridge was built in the 1930s.
In the 1930s the boys and girls attended separate classes. We even had our own hall. I think maybe if you played a musical instrument you could be in the orchestra with the opposite sex.
My mother made me a two-piece outfit with a divided skirt (culotte) with a center pleat front and back so it looked like a skirt. As I stepped off the bottom step of the stair well Miss Hemphill, the gym teacher, told me I couldn't wear it to school again because it showed it was a divided skirt.
I'm happy Hamilton is being renovated and updated to current standards.
Wenonah James