It has been said, "you cannot hurt a corporation" but it is certainly true that corporations such as Safeway can chip away at the livability of a neighborhood. As I said in the Ballard News-Tribune, I think Safeway has stretched their "good neighbor" line a bit too far with their insistence of sitting a gas station at the corner of 15th and 83rd.
Their claim that their customers "want it" belies the comment file at (Seattle's) Department of Planning and Development, containing more than 30 letters opposed and about three in favor, to say nothing of the 200 folk who testified last summer, all in opposition.
We need your help! We need your donations to help us raise funds to pay for the legal costs associated our continuing fight against the Safeway gas station project. We need your help to pay the costs of an appeal of the initial Determination of Non- Significance that will allow the permit to move forward.
We are also requesting a legal review of the zoning rules that are impacting the City's decision. The first part of the appeal will cost between $3,000 and $6,000. If we lose, we will have to consider going to Superior Court. That will cost much more.
We're also asking for your help and time by doing focused doorbelling on your block to raise donations to fight the city's decision on this unwanted project.
If you'd like more information about fundraising activities or have questions about getting involved or staying up to date on the No Safe Way Gas Station activities, please contact Suzanne Swadener at
Andrea Fatse
Crown Hill/Whittier Heights
No Safe Way For a Gas Station