Looking through the Sunday paper I was pleased to see an ad for the West Seattle Junction Festival, thinking for once I could enjoy this fair since the Junction Merchants had promised me they would not be exploiting animals by having pony rides and petting zoos this year. Then I saw that they would have "Valentines Performing Pigs"
In their letter to me, the Merchants Association alerted me to the "new and fun" additions this year. Fun for whom?
Not the pigs. Is there no end to the animal cruelty that West Seattle will resort to in the name of fun or "entertainment?" Why on earth would the committee think that forcing sentient, intelligent creatures to perform ridiculous and unnatural acts and exposing them to hot sun and loud noise is any better than the cruel pony rides they canceled? These pigs are terrified and are not doing something that is natural to them.
Highly intelligent creatures, pigs are smarter than dogs being third removed from humans (only primates and dolphins are smarter). The Junction Festival is traditionally one of the hottest weekends of the summer (and the reason I objected so strongly to the ponies being made to walk endless circles in the hot sun). Pigs can't sweat; they have no sweat glands and can't pant. They need pools of water and mud holes to keep cool and shouldn't be made run in
the summer heat.
Just when I thought that the Junction was crawling out of the dark ages, I see that it appears necessary to them to exploit animals. With so many wonderful, caring people and businesses in this lovely community, I question whether this kind of cruelty is really representative of West Seattle.
Nancy Pennington