The exceedingly cruel foie gras market has some proponents in the Seattle area - 11 restaurants which continue to serve this "delicacy" despite repeated pleas to discontinue it. Three of the finer area restaurants have stopped serving it because of the extreme cruelty involved in its production.
Foie gras (literally "fat liver") is produced by forcing long metal feeding pipes down the throats of geese or ducks to fatten their livers. Sometimes these poor animals' livers explode, having been enlarged 12 times their normal size. Because it is so inhumane, the production of foie gras has been banned in Israel and much of Europe and has been outlawed in California, Illinois and Oregon.
It is with great sadness that I discover that a restaurant in our own West Seattle carries this abominable product. I hope (it) will come to understand that their devoted patrons will continue to eat their outstanding food even if they omit a cruel dish which is required to carry this warning on the menu, "Washington State Department of Health: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food-borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions."
Nancy Pennington