Is it worth that much?
On Aug. 24, I attended the Highline School Board meeting. Of particular interest was Resolution 2155, Purchase of Real Estate off of South 176th Street in Burien adjacent to the district's Maintenance and Transportation Facility (MOT). No purchase price was given nor was the owner of the property identified. I found that curious. Using the King County parcel viewer software, I located the property, the present tax value ($90,000) and the owner (an elected office holder on the Highline Water District board).
So much for transparency in school district governance.
The second thing I found disturbing was the fact that only one school board member (Matt Pina) seemed to know the purchase price ($910,000) for the 2.99 acres.
On the surface, this purchase does not pass the smell test. As I sat in the meeting and listened to parents and educators urge the board to keep funding for the hearing impaired program, once again I felt like the board members are out of sync with the people they represent.
I ask that the purchase of this land be rescinded for the following reasons:
1. The property does not have frontage on South 176th Street. Even using an easement the district would have to spend a considerable amount of money to build a road to give them access to South 176th.
2. The District has no need to buy any more property when we have property sitting around unused. The district already has a vacant site (3.92 acres) at the MOT facility that could be used for expansion. The vacant lot is being used to store portable classrooms.
3. If this property is so good then why hasn't the owner sold it before? [He has] owned the property for 20 years. So why is the district so willing to pay so much?
I would appreciate your consideration in this matter.
T. J. Brennan
Des Moines