I am voting for all four of the incumbents running for Seattle City Council. Here are a few reasons I support McIver, Conlin, and Drago who have rather strong opposition - Licata should sail into re-election.
McIver speaks for and helped push the City Council to take a more realistic look at low-income housing, police treatment of minorities and the necessity of a balanced budget which still closes some of the gaps in social services. Eight years of approaching city issues with common sense and an outstanding record of budget knowledge warrant his re-election.
Conlin's willingness to understanding city-wide issues before voting has served the City well. His work with regional leaders will continue to benefit all of us. He had the nerve to question the financial plan for the monorail early on. We can blame a big part of the lagging transit plan and sluggish economy on our national leaders who hold the purse strings, not a City Council member.
Drago has shown good leadership as the president of the City Council. Her years of knowledge and understanding of all issues including transportation is needed. She sees the need for fixing streets, bridges and sidewalks which have been ignored due to the costs of huge projects. She also sees the importance of developing downtown which is the source of tax income that supports social and safety issues.
Vivian McLean
Pigeon Point