Don't let wife read first item
Wed, 11/23/2005
If you think you are a great husband because you get up on Saturday mornings and percolate a pot of caffeine for your mate, forget it.
Ken Selander, now tired and retired Highline attorney, has served his wife Carol her breakfast in bed EVERY MORNING for over FORTY years. And not just some toast and a dish of canned peaches. He can even make a mean omelet, or eggs Benedict. Now that has to be some kind of marital record.
The sign on the door of Miller Paints reads: THIS IS AN EMPLOYEE OWNED STORE. I know of no other firm like in that in the Highline area .
I went in to buy some paint for a project in my shop and after the clerk completed her sale, she asked where I was parked, picked up a bag containing my purchase and carried it out to the car. I was mildly stunned.
Supermarkets often help shoppers with grocery carts full of heavy stuff but this is a first. I asked her name and where she lived. She is Kendra Sharon and lives in West Seattle. She was formerly with Junction Hardware. I don't know why she left but they must miss her.
It has been fffffffour years since the earthqqqqqqqquake of 2001 closed MMMMMMaplewood and forced motorists on the Three Tree Point peninsula to find an alternate route to get to and from Burien.
Once the new Northside road was restored residents heaved a sigh of relief. No more threading their way down SSSSSylvester past the Highline Hospital construction for most of a year or crawling up over GGGGGGGregory Heights.
Then the water district decided to put in new mmmmmains. It now is done but it is like dddddriving over corduroy logs. Jarrrrrrring.
Then the water district decided to tear up Maplewild to put in new water mains and ddddddodging chuckholes is the latest test of patience endurance. Grrrrrrrr.
We dropped by Mick Kelly's, the new Irish restaurant on Southwest 152nd the other day for a looksee and a beer. When I asked the bartender for a German Pilsner he just laughed. "This is an Irish bar, mon. How about a bottle of Guinness?
When owner Mick Purdy came over to see if we wanted some lunch, we said sure and he brought us menus.
I have never been to Ireland but when I told Mick that my great-grandfather was a wine merchant in County Galway, he admitted he had never been there but his home town was Belfast where my grandfather was born.
Saints Presarve us.
Elsbeth ordered Irish beef stew and I had corned beef and cabbage. The food was great. I was not surprised because we had found on several trips to the British Isles that the best food was served in the pubs.
Isn't it fun seeing a growing group of new places in Highline joining the dinner houses the likes of Dinos, Angelos, Huckleberry Square, Azteca and the Tin Room?
We have a good many breakfast and luncheon favorites like Sals Deli, Ginos and Meal Makers as well as an ample supply of popular fast food places.
Tukwila, SeaTac and Des Moines have numerous fine houses for fine dining but Burien is making a great night out comeback.