After attending a King County hosted meeting on annexation of North Highline, it is obvious there is still a great deal of confusion among the residents of both areas.
If 90 percent of the Burien residents do not want Highline annexed to them as the Deputy Mayor stated, they had better step up to the plate and let the Burien City Council know, and quickly.
Many Burien residents think they can just vote no when the issue is placed on the ballot. They are surprised to discover they do not get a vote and additionally to learn their city council is working towards putting North Highline as a Potential Annexation Area (PPA) into their Growth Management Act (GMA) within the next month.
It is too soon for Burien to make this move. King County has identified that the shortfall is over $7 million. Where will Burien get the money? Is it fair to ask Burien residents to increase their taxes to support North Highline when they are themselves a new developing city?
We do not have enough information to accept a recommendation for annexation and do not want to be in the Burien GMA. Do not stop our ability to make future governance choices for ourselves.
Peggy Peery
Boulevard Park