After reading the recent letter to editor (Nov. 16) from Debbie Loop, I can't help but take a minute to respond.
My husband and I (both lifelong West Seattleites), were recently closely involved in the Seattle Lutheran High School auction. We had a very positive experience from not only Junction merchants but West Seattle merchants in general.
This has solidified our desire to continue supporting our local community and encourage our family and friends to do the same. I would like to thank the merchants for their overwhelming response and generosity. I am not aware of one merchant who did not contribute to our success in some way.
Whether this was a physical donation, attending the event themselves, hanging a poster in their window or maybe even providing employment for one of the high school students, the West Seattle merchants have gone above and beyond our expectiations.
While I would like to list out each of the merchants individually, there are too many to name so please accept a blanket thank-you and know that your contributions to the local community and specifically to the mission of Seattle Lutheran High School are greatly appreciated.
Stephanie Jensen
Seattle Lutheran High School Alumni