It is with a great deal concern that I have read recent letters to the editor regarding the potential annexation of White Center and Boulevard Park by Seattle or Burien. This is an issue that, when resolved, will set the tone for all of South King County for many years to come. As such, it demands the full attention of both our citizens as well as our elected officials at all levels.
What concerns me, however, is not the discourse taking place but the tone of that discourse. As a nation we have become accustomed to vitriolic and mean spirited personal attacks taking the place of reasonable discussion on important issues. This was nowhere more evident than in our last presidential and gubernatorial elections. I believe that this attitude is a primary reason that we currently experience so little progress at both the state and national levels.
Judging from what I have seen at local meetings and read in your newspaper this tactic has invaded our own neighborhoods.
As a local resident I have strong reservations about the decisions and recommendations offered by the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council regarding annexation. At the same time I have the utmost respect for these men and women who have placed themselves on the firing line by taking on the responsibilities of serving on this Council. I am saddened that their integrity and honesty is questioned by those unwilling to accept those same responsibilities.
I am personally acquainted with many members of the NHUAC and have found them all to be fair minded and truly concerned about the welfare of their entire community. Whether I agree with their positions or not I certainly applaud and thank them for their efforts.
It is my hope that the adults in our community can set a positive example for our children by conducting themselves in public with restraint and decorum. I heartily encourage lively debate on important issues but ask that such debate occur in a manner befitting an educated and civilized citizenry.
Mark Pursley