To the Editor:
The "war of Christmas" has gotten sublime and ridiculous! The political correctness crowd is co-opting words, phrases, and concepts that have been instilled in our country for decades and decades. Where will it stop? For example, The Federal Way school district last month published their normal December breakfast menu/calendar. They then distributed the calendars to 23 elementary schools that have around 500 students in each one.
Then the district ordered the schools to throw those away as someone had placed the phrase, "Merry Christmas" on the bottom of the calendar (it said "Happy Holidays" at the top). Then via special courier, new calendars were issued with the only change being the removal of "Merry Christmas".
The Federal Way school district should be ashamed of its cowering attitude toward the liberal special interest groups and the PC thinking that goes with it. I wonder who paid for the reprint? You got it, you the citizens of Federal Way did. I hope that Tom Murphy does not condone this brazen attempt at removing the mere mention of Merry Christmas from our schools.
Christmas is about hope and peace and joy and the more it is displayed in the public arena the more the society benefits. People need to wake up and realize that by stripping religious dialogue, thought, & concepts, from the public arena we as a society are becoming more and more amoral and less and less stable? It's no wonder teachers spend 50+% of their time in Classroom Management rather than teaching...the morals of behavior, which are steeped in religious thought, have been removed and you can see the results in the hallways of most any high school. But it starts earlier than that!
Ed Kelley
Pastor of Students and Administration
Christ's Church of Federal Way