3. Security detained a man who tried to walk out of the Sears at the Commons with a $54.99 pair of shoes. FWPD cited and released him.
4. A 2005 Toyota was the victim of a hit-and-run and 301 S. 320th. No leads in the case so far.
5. A husband living in the 27000 block of 24th Place South slapped his wife of 5 years when they were arguing over their 3-year-old son. The wife said she called police in order to calm her husband down, although she declined to press charges.
6. A black Alpine MP3 player was stolen from a car at a home on 33rd Place SW.
7. An unknown person gave a counterfeit $20 bill to a Girl Scout in exchange for cookies at the Albertson's on Pacific Highway South.
8. The owner of a green 1999 Honda on 336th Street showed the FWPD how his car had been severely keyed and the tires slashed. He suspects his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is the culprit.
9. Several residents of the 2400 block of SW 316 Street reported a scam in which a man sat in his car while sending his children to ring the doorbells and ask for money for a bogus cause. One victim remembered seeing the scam aired on TV News and called the police.
10. A Schwinn Regal PLE bicycle was found on SW Campus Drive. The bike is at the police station.
11. An unknown suspect smashed the driver side windows of at 2001 Lexus and a 1992 Ford parked on 22 Avenue South, ransacking both cars and make off with $2950 worth of goods and equipment.
12. Thomas Bosteder was arrested at SW Campus Drive when police responded to a domestic violence call. They found that Bosteder had an outstanding warrant for a Department of Corrections escape.
13. A woman on SW 353 Place was involuntarily committed after she reported to police that she was afraid of her step-father, who she said beat her, and that she had suicidal thoughts.
14. A man on SW 322 Street reported he was the victim of identity theft when a collection agency contacted him demanding payment for a credit card in his name used from 8/2001 until 3/2006.
15. Two men smoking pot while sitting in a parked car in the lot of a tavern on S. 324 Street were arrested. The men gave the police their stash, which was then "field-tested" and booked into "storage".
16. The FWPD found a 1998 Hyundai run off the road near 33000 1 Way South and sitting in a ditch, engine running, with the doors locked. No one was nearby. The vehicle was impounded.
17. On the same day, a stolen vehicle was also found in a ditch near 34400 30 Avenue SW, with no one around, but this time on fire. FWFD put the fire out.
18. A woman on SW 325 Place owns three vehicles, a 1999 Chevrolet, a 2004 BMW and 2005 Chrysler wagon came out to find all three cars' windows broken.