I am concerned about the continuing closure of Sylvan Way Southwest. This is a major arterial in West Seattle, with no adequate alternative routes. It has been closed for four weeks. I originally saw a sign that I thought indicated that the road was washed out. Now I find out that a developer has been installing utilities, requiring that the road be closed through April.
I don't know what the permit fees are for this type of roadwork, but I doubt it is anything close to the economic loss to the public from the closure of the roadway. I am furthermore dismayed by Seattle Department of Transportation's lack of public information on this. On March 10, a search of the seattle.gov website, Google and the Seattle Times website, I turned up no information on this road closure. An email to (the) Seattle Department of Transportation public information officer caught her totally unaware of this major project. She sent a cursory press release only after my inquiry.
The final insult to the neighborhood is that the detour route is inadequately signed, leading drivers into residential neighborhoods, but not through them, causing drivers to wander, adding to frustration and delays.
It is ironic that with Mayor Nickels' grandstanding on potholes, that this much greater inconvenience and loss has been so poorly handled by Seattle Department of Transportation.
I want to see the arterial opened as soon as possible, and I want to see the developer pay compensation to the city for prolonged exclusive right-of-way occupancy.
Paul West
High Point