While U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott and others continue to trot out the excuse that illegal immigrants are doing jobs that are generally not wanted by other people, they are thereby endearing themselves to some of their voter base. Our representatives have not told us of the growing and overwhelming burden illegal immigrants have placed on social and health services, nor their effect to the growing crime rate everywhere in our nation.
And although we can appreciate that most illegal immigrants are hard working, it seems of no apparent consequence that they have broken the law, and that they should now be eligible for some special privilege to remain in the U.S.
Tell that to all the tired, hungry, and poor who wait their turn to come here legally.
It was therefore gratifying to read Ralph Nichols, well-deserved, critical editorial about local student demonstrations, and his pragmatic assessment of the root of the problem.
Securing our borders seemed ever more solvable in 1986 when some 3 million illegal aliens were granted amnesty during the Reagan/Bush administration but is hasn’t. In all that time our borders have been neglected and in the last 20 years more than 12 million illegal immigrants have crossed our borders (20 million according to other non-government sanctioned sources), most of which are from Mexico.
That’s equivalent to the entire population of Texas, and yet no meaningful attempt by our government has been made to secure our borders.
If there are jobs that can be filled by immigrant workers, then by all means they should be allowed to enter the U.S., by legal means, under temporary work visas. But a cheap work force that undercuts our national work force will not solve our downward sliding economy.
Our representatives, on both sides of the aisle, are reluctant to face this issue head on. I have been reminding them of their oath of office for many years and will continue to do so. Please use your influence to do that same. Write your representative and give them an eye full--that’s why they get the big bucks every year to represent us.
Fred Novota