Sealed bids will be received by the Undersigned at the Office of the King County Water District No. 54, 922 South 219th Street, Des Moines, Washington 98198, King County, up to 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 9, 2006, for furnishing the necessary materials, labor, equipment and guarantees thereof to clean and recoat the exterior of the District's elevated reservoir (105 foot high steel water spheroid with a maximum diameter of 44 feet and a shaft diameter of 10 feet) including, but not limited to, the following:
Pressure washing the exterior of the reservoir
Recoat exterior of the reservoir with one prime coat and one finish coat of Tnemec Series 30 SpraSaf EN
All bidding and all construction shall be carried out in compliance with the plans and specifications for this Project. The work must be completed within forty-five (45) working days after the commencement date stated in the notice to proceed.
At the time and date above stated the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids are to be submitted only on the form provided in the specifications, and all bids shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond payable to the King County Treasurer in an amount not less than 5 percent of the total bid for each schedule including sales tax. Bid forms must not be removed from the contract documents and the bound documents must be submitted intact. A performance and payment bond in the full amount of the Contract will be required. The Bidder shall guarantee the Total Bid Price for a period of forty-five (45) calendar days from the opening of the Bid.
Plans and specifications, including bid forms bound therewith, may be examined at the Water District office, Des Moines, Washington, or at the offices of the Project Engineers, Gray & Osborne, Inc., 701 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 200, Seattle, Washington, where copies may be purchased at the price of fifty dollars ($50.00) including sales tax for each set. The Plans and Specifications will be on file prior to the bid opening for examination at the A.G.C. offices in Seattle and Tacoma and the Snohomish County Plan Center in Everett.
The District expressly reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive minor informalities and to make award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder as it may best serve the interest of the District.
King County Water District No. 54
By: Allene Larkin
President, Board of Commissioners
Published in the Highline Times/Des Moines News on JULY 26, 2006.