The mayor still has tunnel vision, let the Sonics go. The new fixes (to Key Arena) aren't even paid for. We don't need more big fixes - stop letting them use the tax money.
Think about it, we need more police in West Seattle. We only have one police car for this area yet look how many cars are parked at the precinct.
Yes Delridge Way has some nicer buildings, new parks we didn't need. Yes, all nice but Mr. Mayor, you didn't take away the drugs, dealers or the ladies of the night. You can't walk on our streets at night. They mug anyone. They stab and shoot guns. Read the West Seattle, White Center police reports (and) you will see. We need to be safe.
Stop the loud music out of the car trunks and stop the kid with the dirt bike that he rides every night over park dirt tearing up what the workmen have done during the day. You have to have respect before you can have a safe neighborhood.
Now, about all the drinking by the beach. Years ago there was no booze around close to beach. You could buy wine and beer at the grocery store and they only sold to grown ups. There were two taverns and a restaurant down across by the boathouse at that time.
Alki owners didn't have to put up with the things going on now. It's time for the city to reclaim the respect they had. I say put back the 10 p.m. curfew for kids, hold parents responsible like (the) old days. The kids were taken home first time - after that the folks were charged $75 a night at the youth center.
Now to make safe and less traffic, put in parking meters, with profits going to put a walking policemen on Alki. You wouldn't have all this trouble and the people that own and live there should have a parking space for only their use. I was raised in White Center so it has nothing to do with me living in West Seattle.
The county has also let White Center down. They need walking police. They had them when I remember the old cop on the beat.
Kathleen Vogel