This is in response to the front page article in the July 19th edition and the subsequent letters to the editor in response to it. The privacy law in the State of Washington (whereas minors between the ages of 13 and 18 can get counseling and treatment for reproductive and mental health issues without parental consent) seems to be a very emotional issue. In the last several years, the local health department has set up teen health clinics in some area middle and high schools where these services, as well as regular medical care, are provided.
As a parent of a Seattle high school student, I think these teen health centers are wonderful. It's very convenient for a student to pop in to the clinic before or after school or briefly during the day rather than miss two or three hours of school being driven to a doctor appointment. And as far as minors being treated without parental consent: yes, I'd like my daughter to come to me with any questions regarding the sensitive subjects of reproduction, STDs, or mental health. However, I'd rather she speak with a trained medical professional at a clinic rather than no one at all.
One important service that the school-based teen health clinics provide is to dispense the medication called Plan B. This medication prevents pregnancy after an episode of unprotected sex, if taken within 48 hours. This is provided free of charge to qualified patients at the clinics. However, Washington State is one of a handful of states that allow this medication to be purchased from a pharmacy "over the counter" or without a doctor's prescription. It can be fairly expensive so it's good to know a student has a place to go for this treatment if it is necessary.
I am a registered nurse and have worked with the parental consent law for many years when dealing with young patients. It's necessary and it works. Teens need to have access to confidential, affordable healthcare. Many are going to experiment with sex whether adults like it or not. We need them to be safe and well informed.
Roberta Hom, RN
West Seattle