HI-YU FLOAT IN LAKE CITY. Hi-Yu queens and princesses wave to residents of Lake City at their recent summer festival. The West Seattle float appears all over Western Washington during the year as well as in Seafair and West Seattle's American Legion Grand Parade. West Seattle Hi-Yu is an all-volunteer organization formed to promote the social, cultural and economic interests of West Seattle. Residents of West Seattle may join West Seattle Hi-Yu. Photo by Murray Studios.
Miss West Seattle Senior Court Hi-Yu Queen Trisha Thompson was awarded Scholarships for Academic Achievement from Rebar and Associates, Creative Expression from West Seattle Hi-Yu, Athletic Leadership from Sports Junction, New Technology Award from Peter Richards and the West Seattle Hi-Yu Queen scholarship.
Thompson is a 2006 graduate from the Bush School in Seattle will be attending Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. Trisha's sponsor for Miss West Seattle Hi-Yu Scholarship event was the West Seattle Lions Club. She will represent West Seattle in the Miss Seafair scholarship program in 2008.
Senior Court Princess Keili Geller received scholarships for Community Service from Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home and The Spirit of Hi-Yu Award from the West Seattle Hi-Yu and the West Seattle Hi-Yu Princess scholarship.
Geller is a senior at Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart and was sponsored by West Seattle American legion Post #160.
Their rein as the West Seattle Hi-Yu Senior Court if from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30, 2007, for all of the Hi-Yu events including the West Seattle Kiwanis Hiawatha Halloween carnival at the Hiawatha field house, the West Seattle Junction Christmas Tree Lighting, The Toys for Tots Kiwanis Pancake breakfast and visitations to Service Clubs and nursing homes in West Seattle as well other Hi-Yu events and riding on the West Seattle Hi-Yu float in all of the community parades in western Washington.
Young women age 17 to 21 who live in West Seattle are encouraged to apply for the 2007 Miss West Seattle Hi-Yu scholarship event. Applications are available at the West Seattle Hi-Yu, P.O. Box 16130 Seattle 98116 or the Hi-Yu website http://www.hiyu.com