The SeaTac Fire Department operates three fire stations that were carried over from the previous fire district. All are over 45 years old and don't meet seismic code regulations. Analysis has shown that replacing these stations is more cost effective than trying to upgrade them.
Proposition 1 addresses this and other issues for fire protection and aid calls for emergent help.
The City of SeaTac held several public meetings and recognizes this problem. The city is currently replacing Station 46 headquarters by using $5 million from the reserve fund. Because of Initiative 747 restrictions, the city would have to gut the budget for years to fund replacement of the other two stations.
But that's not all Prop 1 will do. It will also provide 12 new firefighters, staff an aid car, purchase a ladder truck, and add firefighting units for 24/7 coverage.
Amazingly the on-duty staffing has not changed since the city incorporated the fire department in 1992, while calls for help have risen by 67 percent.
The need is clear, and the funds can only be spent on fire protection. A homeowner in SeaTac with an assessed value of $250,000 would pay $82.44 for the first year of this levy. It would would start in 2007 and end in 2012.
Let's not continue to roll the dice and hope for the best. VOTE YES for Prop 1.
Barry Ladenburg