Editor: I live in Ballard and read your paper every week. I was very disappointed to see that you took a position on the estate tax ("Ballot Box Sucker Play" August 9) in the way that you did. You were condescending and sarcastic toward anyone who could possibly take another position.
First, I don't think you served the interest of your community newspaper in taking a political stand like that. But you did.
The way you editorialized was offensive to me, a person who thinks of himself as a reasonable person who understands that reasonable people can differ on something like the estate tax.
Yes, even in socially "progressive" states like Washington, even the publisher of the Seattle Times believes the estate tax is bad public policy. Yet you would label him and maybe 50% of the other Washingtonians as "unscrupulous cheats." And people who want to manipulate the system! Well, that condemns anyone who has a political ax to grind on any political issue, including you - on issues like the estate tax, state income taxes, property taxes in Seattle, etc. So, if I oppose the Mayor's plan for higher property taxes that makes me an unscrupulous cheat manipulating the system? There is no room to disagree politely and discuss the issues?
Come on now! Do you really think that anyone who opposes the estate tax "doesn't know any better?" Who do you think we are? Stupid fools who can't form an informed opinion on a topic like the estate tax? It may well be that you are in the minority on the estate tax. We'll see when the Initiative 920 rolls around. And, why, I ask is a referendum a "way around democracy?" What is more democratic that a referendum of the people? Since you are a progressive, I would think you would favor the people deciding issues directly rather than through elected representatives.
If you want an estate tax you should tell us why rather than simply condemn opponents or say opponents are simply misled or uninformed. If you think it is good social policy to tax wealth at every generation then say so and tell us why you think that is good social policy. Tell us why you think the U.S. should have an estate tax when it has been abolished by almost every progressive western democracy? Tell us why you think taxing wealth several times is good policy other than the person who pays it is dead.
Anyway, I advise your fine newspaper to stick to neighborhood and Seattle matters that affect our lifestyles in this fine city and leave divisive issues alone unless you do so politely and respectfully.
Nathaniel Clement