So the Burien City Council wants to put in for a full site Potential Annexation Area to prevent Seattle from being able to do so. That is really a good reason.
When council members start making statements like "We know there is a huge deficit coming along with North Highline, but we want to get the county to agree to fund the deficit for 10 years as a condition to a full PAA," what are they thinking?
The council says there are grants available and then there is the 10-year reimbursement from the state for taking on the huge obligation. They must think the tooth fairy is alive and well. The council expects to pay for the annexation on someone else's dime.
Council members and planning commission members make statements like "North Highline is an investment in the future of Burien" and "North Highline is a diamond in the rough."
There has not been any interest in developing North Highline and South Park in the past 40 years. Why should there be any sudden changes in this position unless the taxpayers of the current city of Burien are asked to pay higher taxes to develop North Highline?
North Highline has suddenly become a magnet filled with fool's gold that is attracting the city council.
James Sharkey, Treasurer
Burien Residents Against Annexation