I read with interest your story, "Conflict of interest concerns raised," by Ralph Nichols.
I live in Missouri and we would be so lucky to have someone dedicated to organize events and help us get people to come to our business district. What's more, who would you rather have running a business organization? Someone who runs another business and knows what it's like to have a business in the community or someone who is removed and unaware about running a business in your city?
The way I see it, this is a case of sour grapes and jealousy. These objecting businesses want Ms. George's work all to themselves. Also in our community of dozens of restaurants, we all benefit from each other's business. When we're busy everyone is busy.
The bottom line is customers will make their decisions based on who's successful, not who carries the same wine. Find another excuse why your business isn't successful and count your blessings that you aren't one of the thousands of main streets in the USA that don't have a program or an event professional to run it!
Or be negative and keep yelling at the rain!
Beth Walter
Maplewood, Missouri