A little holiday discipline goes a long way
By Annette Herrick
While it may be difficult to lose weight during the holidays at least you can prevent the pounds from creeping on. Here's how:
First, know that green bean casserole is not a vegetable. I don't think I need to elaborate on this. Point taken?
Next, on the morning of a big party have eggs and cheese for breakfast, no toast or cinnamon rolls. This will keep your blood sugar in balance before you hit the buffet tables. A little discipline in the morning goes a long way later.
During the day munch on fruits, veggies, and salad (even if you have to drench them in dressing). If you're working on the same day take a sack lunch with carrots and celery or choose a restaurant where you can order a chicken salad. This will keep your hunger in check and save a reserve of calories for the party.
You're in charge of taking real food. Everyone else will bring desert. It is your responsibility to take nourishment. Beans, sweet potatoes, chicken, prawns, nuts, and Satsuma oranges, things like this.
When you arrive at the buffet table ask yourself, "Is it worth it?" Take inventory before you start munching. Make note of the deserts that you really want to eat. Fill your belly with all the protein, fruits, and veggies you can find beforehand, and then eat your favorite treats. This will help you avoid mindless munching.
You're in charge of the group walk. Take extra mittens and hats and gather everyone to go look at the neighborhood lights. Every twenty minutes of leisurely walking will burn 100 calories.
And finally, enjoy the holidays and your favorite people. Live, laugh, and hug everyone you love.
Annette Herrick can be reached at annette@fitnessforvitality.com