Martin Nordby, the city's only code compliance officer charged with the task of documenting graffiti, examines vandalism to a building on Pacific Highway South. "About 13 years ago we had a big problem, particularly at the schools. Then it went away and we had almost no reports of graffiti for a long, long time," Nordby told the FWN last year. "Now it's back, with a vengeance, particularly on residential properties."
To the Editor:
Is it possible to do some stories on the exploding graffiti in Federal Way? I am sure I am not the only one who has noticed the increase in Federal Way.
It is very upsetting to see every fence, and every side of the local businesses covered with this garbage.
The Federal Way police have to know who is responsible for this tagging as these kids leave their calling card everywhere. I think a visitor to Federal Way would be scared to walk our streets because Federal Way is beginning to look like Watts of the 70s.
Please put pressure on our city government to clean up this mess.
Debra Jaggers
Federal Way