Dear Hapless Seattle North/South Commuters to Industrial Parks.
I wonder if our cute mental midgit Mayor and City Hall wonders have ever experienced one of Seattle's, Cute Earthquake Shakers? You know; the kind we've had that "Damaged and Brought Down Buildings!"
Think on whistling along in our, shiny new, multi-billion buck over-run saltwater soaked sub beach tunnel, when one of our earthquake shakers, "hic-ups" and little cracks develop in the tunnel walls, and water starts squirting in, before a large section of wall lets go.
So how long do you think you and your family could hold your breath swimming underwater back to the tunnel entrance for air?
There are two types of Seattle's life entrenched, "liberal fruit cakes" we must watch like hawks in Seattle's and our Olympian funny monkey pens: lawyers that can't make it in the private sector, and engineers out of ding-dong schools of advanced "do-gooder lunacy."
Next time you Seattle pubic schooled munchkins go to the polls, remember what that Wise Man from the Mount has been screaming in your plugged ears since Clinton last changed his socks. Please, no more mental midgets in Seattle's City Hall. Enough is enough.
They may not all be escapees from rubber rooms in Harborview's ding-dong ward, but 80 percent is a tad much, like ah, you all know? Like, "thunk on it, fer yer chillen's sake." Okay, Martha? Like, how-bouts thinking on staying nice and dry with our paid for road on high? Like it has a, really nice view.
Pete Peters