Jason Luu, a student at Ballard High School collected hygiene products as a donation to the Ballard Food Bank. Dean Wong photo.
Ballard High School junior Jayson Luu may have lost the election for Associated Student Body president last year, but he has been busy getting his fellow students involved in charity.
After the election loss, the school's Parent Teacher Association asked Luu to attend their meetings.
Luu agreed to and asked the association for fundraising ideas he could be involved with. When Luu learned the Ballard Food Bank did not have enough hygiene products for their clients, the enterprising student went into action.
He asked all the teachers he knew if their classes would participate in a project to collect hygiene products. Twelve teachers told Luu their classes would join his effort to help the food bank.
Luu visited each class and filled boxes with donated items. He kept track of how much each class gave as part of a competition.
Soon Luu had a dozen boxes containing Irish Spring Soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash and shampoo. In all, there were 590 individual items.
Luu scheduled a party for math teacher Richard Brodsack's class because they brought in the most hygiene products.
The party and an appearance by Ballard Food Bank Director John Simpson was canceled due to the power outages late last year.
Helping the homeless was something Luu was interested in. Luu told the News-Tribune that every human is connected.
"If one is hungry, treat them like you would want to be treated," he said.
As far as his political aspirations, Luu ran for president of the school's French Club and lost.
Luu was elected the club's Treasurer. It was an easy win, as he ran unopposed.
Later this school year, Luu will make another run for the student body presidency.
Luu has been playing the violin since the fifth grade and is in the Ballard music program. He auditioned unsuccessfully for the chamber orchestra.
He admits he has been spending more time on his homework that practicing the violin.
His post high school plans are to apply to Central Washington University to major in music. He wants to get his Master's Degree and become a music teacher someday.
Luu drives his own car from South Seattle each day to attend Ballard High.
"I like how the environment is clean. The students and faculty are respectful," Luu said.