I have reviewed the project for Ercolini Park online and in the West Seattle Herald, and there is one thing that was in the article that was not agreed upon at any of the meetings, and that is the proposal for the "older children's play feature - a small skateboard element."
As a neighbor I oppose this skateboard park as this will only bring in teenagers to my neighborhood, which have more time on their hands and nothing constructive to do. Having a skateboard element in this neighborhood will bring noise and vandalism and more drinking than there already is.
Since this is an unoccupied lot, teens come here in the summer and drink, make noise and leave their litter all over the neighborhood. I oppose this skateboard element and do not want it in my area.
Besides being opposed to the skateboard element, there needs to be a fence along the North end of the park to keep children out of the neighboring yards. As it is now, everyone thinks that the park extends up to the house on the north side of the park and they are encroaching on my neighbors property. Who will be responsible for any lawsuits that may arise when someone gets hurt on property that belongs to this neighbor? I would like to see a fence on the north side of the park and I want the skateboard element to be scrapped.
Jerry E. Dodson