Once again - simplistic political rhetoric.
If it weren't such a serious issue, I would chuckle at the myopic view of Dow Constantine and his chest beating about causing wrap advertising on buses to go away.
I am not a politician. I deal in the for-profit world.
Therefore, I will address points Dow neglected to cover, and refuses to answer to the public.
- The bus wraps brought in nearly $1 Million dollars last year.
- How is this amount of money going to be replaced?
- The wraps were on less than 5 percent of buses.
- The buses were wrapped and the routes were rotated.
- Riders that complained are on a subsidized system.
Kill the program? How about increase the program to 10 percent of buses?
Of those riders that complained, they had less than a 5 percent chance of being on a wrapped bus. Routes were rotated so the odds of repeating were significantly less. Would those that complained just prefer we raise the fares?
Utopia is a wonderful place. Unfortunately, Metro does not have a route that goes there.
J. Betzer
Arbor Heights