Legislative roll call
Tue, 04/03/2007
HB 1094
Making transportation appropriations for 2007-2009. By a vote of 81 to 16 on March 26, the House approved HB 1094, which would make appropriations to the 2007-09 state transportation budget. The transportation budget is one of three budgets approved by the Legislature each year. These appropriations pay for transportation-related activities such as building and maintaining roads, operating the state ferry system and public safety. The bill is now under consideration in the Senate.
Reps. Eileen Cody, Joe McDermott, Helen Sommers and Mary Lou Dickerson all voted Yes.
HB 1128
Making operating appropriations for 2007-2009. By a vote of 62 to 35 on March 26, the House approved HB 1128, which would make appropriations to the 2007-09 state operating budget. The operating budget is one of three budgets approved by the Legislature each year. These appropriations pay for general state services such as state employee salaries, basic education, and social services. The bill is now under consideration in the Senate.
Reps. Eileen Cody, Joe McDermott, Helen Sommers and Mary Lou Dickerson all voted Yes.
HB 1460
Extending existing mental health parity requirements to individual and small group plans. By a vote of 41 to 3 on March 23, the Senate approved HB 1460, which would extend mental health parity. In 2005, the Legislature required health plans to include mental health services equal to medical and surgical services. An exemption was provided for small businesses with 50 or fewer employees. HB 1460 would remove that exemption and require small businesses to include mental health services if they offer medical and surgical coverage. The bill has already passed the House and is now under consideration by the Governor.
Sens. Erik Poulsen and Jeanne Kohl-Welles voted Yes.
HB 1871
Regarding education system benchmarks and monitoring. By a vote of 68 to 29 on March 28, the House approved HB 1871, which would require the state to monitor the long-range financial health of school districts. The office of the superintendent of public instruction and the office of financial management must present proposed system measures and a financial health outlook rating system to the Governor. The bill is now under consideration in the Senate.
Reps. Eileen Cody, Joe McDermott, Helen Sommers and Mary Lou Dickerson all voted Yes.
Bill 5
Providing salary bonuses for individuals certified by the national board for professional teaching standards.
By a vote of 95 to 2 on March 28, the House approved HB 2262, which would provide bonuses to teachers who receive National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification. The board is a national nonprofit organization of education professionals that certifies qualified educators in certain areas of education. The bill is now under consideration in the Senate.
Reps. Eileen Cody, Joe McDermott, Helen Sommers and Mary Lou Dickerson all voted Yes.
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