Legislative Roll Call
Tue, 04/17/2007
HJR 4204
Amending the Constitution to provide for a simple majority of voters voting to authorize a school levy.
By a vote of 33 to 16, on April 12, the Senate approved HJR 4204, which proposes to amend the State Constitution to allow a school levy to be approved by a simple majority. Currently, school levies can only be approved by a 60 percent supermajority. The resolution must pass both chambers of the Legislature by a two-thirds majority vote and be approved by a majority of the people through an election.
Sens. Erik Poulsen and Jeanne Kohl-Welles both voted Yes.
Providing for electronic voter registration.
By a vote of 30 to 17 on April 9, the Senate approved HB 1528, which would allow voters to register to vote on-line, with the Secretary of State. To register, citizens must posses a valid Washington State driver's license or state identification card. The bill also establishes that electronic voter registration is to be considered registration by mail. The bill has already passed the House and is now under consideration by the Governor.
Sens. Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Erik Poulsen both voted Yes.
SB 5037
Restricting the use of a wireless communications device while operating a moving motor vehicle.
By a vote of 59 to 38 on April 11, the House approved SB 5037, which would prohibit the use of cell phones while driving. Exceptions are provided for drivers using a hands-free device with the phone, operating an emergency vehicle, or using the phone to report an emergency or illegal activity. State law would specifically preempt local laws on this subject. A violator would be guilty of a traffic infraction and can only be cited as a secondary offense.
Reps. Eileen Cody, Joe McDermott. Helen Sommers and Mary Lou Dickerson all voted Yes.
SB 5297
Regarding providing medically and scientifically accurate sexual health education in schools.
By a vote of 63 to 34 on April 11, the House approved SB 5297, which would require schools to provide medically and scientifically accurate, age-appropriate sexual health education. Abstinence education must be included, but not at the exclusion of other materials and instructions on contraceptives and disease prevention. Education materials must be consistent with the January 2005 Guidelines for Sexual Health Information and Disease Prevention developed by the Department of Health and the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Reps. Helen Sommers, Mary Lou Dickerson , Eileen Cody and Joe McDermott all voted Yes.
SB 5336
Protecting individuals in domestic partnerships by granting certain rights and benefits.
By a vote of 63 to 35 on April 10, the House approved SB 5336, which would create the "State Domestic Partnership Registry." Couples seeking the partnership must be unmarried, share a common residence and be members of the same sex, or one of the persons must be at least 62 years of age. A domestic partnership would grant certain rights and privileges currently given to legally married couples. The bill has already passed the Senate and is now under consideration by the Governor.
Reps. Eileen Cody, Joe McDermott, Helen Sommers and Mary Lou Dickerson all voted Yes.
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