Yes, Jack, as editor of the Herald, you certainly have a right to express your own opinion, in contrast to the role of the reporter.
But, before downing the vote against the monorail, asking for a "West side transit study now," I don't understand why the wheel needs to be invented again. There is already information out there, much done by your good staff of reporters. Furthermore, it is not just West Seattle that is clogged up; it is the whole city and suburbs. There are continuing efforts offered by the Pier I and Pier II Committee, the City Transportation Committee and staff, the City and County Councils and staffs, The League of Women Voters, state and regional studies on transportation, access buses and other ways that have been presented. There is certainly awareness from most of us in Seattle that we are being taxed to the breaking point, especially the middle class. So some move out of town, where costs are less, but add more transportation clog in the city.
Therefore, I don't understand, unless there is a severe financial problem with the West Seattle Herald continuing in independence, why another transit study is needed. Also, I do not understand why we need a study to see what Sound Transit can do for West Seattle and Ballard. Is there not a recognition that buses in Seattle, many of them part of Sound Transit, can take us just about anywhere, along with the Water Taxi that gets us downtown? What is really needed is an integration of all the studies that have been done, and a report on how they fit together to help our transportation mess, in West Seattle and all over the city.
We know that many do not want to give up their cars for a moment to consider other ways of transportation. I certainly am aware of how important time is to most everyone. But other solutions such as: more partnerships with Metro for park-and-ride lots, working from home as many do now, companies paying for buses to take people to work as Boeing is already doing, and other suggestions that are on record. My decision is to use my car to connect to buses. I don't even have to do that as I can take a bus just about anywhere I want to go, and I much prefer the bus.
I do want the West Seattle Herald to continue (its) independence, so if there is some financial problem with the Herald, let us know. But is another study necessary?
Alexandra Pye