Editor's note: The following letter was sent from Burien architect Roger Patten to Pam Harper, president of Friends of Burien Parks. Mr. Patten forwarded a copy to the Times/News.
I just read in the Highline Times the article about the Ambaum Park friends' plans to put on a plant sale. The article makes reference to the Burien Arch and, I quote, "Friends of Burien Parks organized shortly after the city incorporated and, as its first project, tackled a historic preservation project to save 'The Arch' at Lake Burien School Park.
"Known to many in Burien simply as 'The Arch,' it has been the backdrop to summer concerts, a meeting place to start a walk, or a place to learn about the old school that once stood on the site.
"Vivien Mathews, one of Burien's first city council members, led the efforts to save the terra cotta reliefs that once adorned the main entrance to Lake Burien Elementary School.
"The group came up with the idea of making a replica of the school's main entry where the reliefs originally were located. Then they found local professionals to design the structure, based on historic photos, construct the plan and arch, and make the special bricks that were sold as the fundraiser."
Pam, if you will remember, it was Roger Patten Jr., architect, that poured his heart and soul into that project, and he was the one that came up with the idea and presented it to your committee of how it would be possible to incorporate an arch similar to the old Lake Burien Elementary School's front door.
What a charming and creative idea and use for the original historic terra cotta reliefs! I believe at the time the committee was thinking of incorporating them in the soon-to-be-built public toilets. What a relief!
I don't know if your committee has the power or the energy that Roger had when he developed the architectural design for the arch, but I do know it would be important to set the record straight and show not only the truth about where "The Arch" idea came from, but a thank you to Roger for some of that "Good Old American Spirit and Design talent" right here in Burien.
Thanks for your attention,
Roger Patten, AIA