From May to October, nothing draws in food and craft lovers like a good farmer's market. Federal Way hosts one of the area's best every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Rose and Dave Ehl, along with Rose's daughter Karla, have operated the Federal Way Saturday Market for four years.
Dave trailers all the gear and rigs up the tents around seven a.m. each Saturday.
They also help the nearly 40 vendors set up their gear in hopes of good weather and a nice crowd.
The market is more than fruits and vegetables.
It's about people. It's about handcrafted items and things that sparkle.
The rules are simple. Handmade or homegrown will get you a booth...along with a modest $150 fee for the day. Vendors get a 10 x 10 spot in the northwest corner of the Sears parking lot along 320th in Federal Way.
Rose is very proud of the variety of vendors attracted to the market, but is quick to give credit to daughter Karla for her dedication to helping each Saturday without fail.
The market opened May 12th and runs through October 27th.