Wild things afoot on Alki
HEY, BUD! Rollerblader Mike Gokce got more than he expected when he tried to take a picture of Alki Tour's marketing gorilla. Photo by Amber Trillo.
Tue, 06/12/2007
Wild things are afoot on Alki Beach this summer. Sure, once the sun pops out for the first truly hot day, you always start to see some pretty crazy things down on the beach. In fact, people watching could almost keep you entertained all day. But wait till you see Alki's newest inhabitant - a 6-foot, kite-flying gorilla on roller blades!
That's right, this hairy beach bum will make you say, "Now, I've seen everything." But he's more than just a fuzzy friend; he's also the spokesman, or "guerilla marketer" for Alki Rental Shack, a part of Alki Kayak Tours. This gorilla is out there cruising the beach to pass out info on the area's favorite kayak treks as well as show beach-goers how to have a good time at Alki.
Based on this same principle, Alki Kayak Tours (located outside of Alki Crab and Fish at Seacrest Park) opened a second location or rental annex called the Alki Rental Shack to help offer beach visitors on the south end of Alki fun options for spending their time in the sunshine as well as a few supplies they may have forgotten at home (like cheap sunglasses and bottled water). Sadly, with Alki Market gone, these little necessities are hard to come by, so the rental shack is trying to foresee these needs as best they can. But the rentals themselves are their specialty.
For example, Alki Rental Shack offers a whole slough of skate rental options - from K2 inline skates and LandRollers for $5 per hour to long boards (long skateboards) and kickboards for $10 per hour - all with the option of protective elbow, wrist, and kneepads plus a helmet for no additional cost.
LandRollers are a new style of skate boot featuring two large wheels on each foot. These run slightly slower than the typical inline skate and are a bit easier for beginners to pick up. Kickboards are also a great training device if learning to long board is your summertime goal. They're kind of like a combo between a skateboard and a Razor scooter in that they feature a main skate deck as well as a stand-up handle for balance and support.
The shack also has a couple bikes rolling around for $8 per hour, but will happily send you south a block to Coastal Surf Boutique for beach cruiser bike rentals. And if you saunter a few feet further south there is also a fleet of 4-wheel bicycles built for two (or more) for rent at Wheel Fun.
"We're working together with Coastal and Wheel Fun to make Alki a vibrant beach scene," says Alki Kayak Tours owner Greg Whittaker.
The Alki Rental Shack also sells a few beach toys including kites (sporting every design from the Jolly Roger and Sea Turtle to the Octopus) for $12-20, hacky sacks (or foot bags) for $5-$10, and Frisbees for $12.
So if you're headed to the beach this spring or summer, you can choose to travel light and rent a day full of fun at the beach. Just look for a big yellow kayak (located between Alki Auto Repair and Christo's) and you can't miss an even bigger beach gorilla roaming the strip.
"It's going to be happening down at the beach this summer," smiles Whittaker. "And now we have one more opportunity for you to have fun."
Alki Rental Shack & Alki Kayak Tours
2504 Alki Ave. S.W.
(Between Alki Auto Repair and Christo's)
Hours are Monday-Friday 3 p.m.-sunset; Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m.-sunset.
Note hours will expand after the official start of summer (next week).
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