Metro Transit's proposal to partially cover buses in plastic advertising takes a bad idea makes it worse by attempting to compromise. They now want to have twice the number of buses wrapped, but the windows will only be partially covered.
Those of us who use public transit deserve better. Local vistas, such as those one sees crossing the West Seattle Bridge and the Ballard Bridge are worth a whole window.
Partially covering windows is not a new idea. I've heard that this is done in Minneapolis. Seeing your stop is difficult enough, especially if you're standing. Having to find an uncovered spot to look through for street signs just makes it harder.
As for generating needed revenue, the actual amount is pathetic compared to the overall budget. With over 100 million boardings a year, a penny extra from each passengers would more than make up for it. I suggest the riding public make this small contribution, both as a protest and as an inducement for Metro to abandon this bad idea.
Jim VanderMeer