I read with great interest and not a great deal of surprise the letters in [the July 18] Des Moines News from the Rev. Paul Freeman, Eric Dickman and Ted Ottinger responding to another letter written by a Mr. Fatton, apparently denigrating the homosexual movement, lifestyle, etc. I'm just afraid they will feel slighted by this one also, but no apologies.
First of all, we are told by one writer not to judge, because that's what the Bible says.
The very fact that they are writing the letters they did is very judgmental on their part. That interpretation of judgment in the Bible refers to judging someone's position with God in regards to salvation, not a person's opinions.
Of course the words bigotry and hatred come up, but I don't recall seeing intolerance or an accusation of celebrating diversity. We have come to expect that from the homosexual community in that anyone who doesn't "celebrate diversity" is automatically a hater, a bigot, etc.-some more judgments there.
The radical homosexual community is considered generally to be very intolerant of anyone who doesn't support their agenda. Witness the "days of silence" in some schools around the country, noisy protests at "Love Won Out" conferences, pushing the agenda in public schools which requires a salute to parents who have very much complained about this nonsense being taught to their kids.
Gov. Gregoire celebrates with her domestic partnership bill. She got my opinion of that when I got a letter asking for a campaign contribution, and I'm a state employee. Can't please everyone, can we, Madam Governor??
This is not the only sin in this world by any means and it is not to denigrate those gays and lesbians who have talents and abilities including those still in the closet.
We also look at those who live together without marriage who are heterosexual and "love" each other. That doesn't work, either.
And let us cheer the "happiness" of Seattle's annual Gay Pride parade that we can all feel wonderful about bringing our children, grandchildren to witness.
I manage to stay home and do something productive. Good grief!
Phil Stanat
Des Moines