The residents of Federal Way and Des Moines are being asked to vote for Proposition 1 on August 21. This Lid Lift would allow South King Fire & Rescue to maintain the current levy rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.
What makes this election even more important is that a vote for this proposition will cover a six-year period from 2008 through 2013 instead of the one-year period. The present election system costs up to $200,000 each year. The savings on a six-year election period could be as much as $1 million in election cost alone. Think what those dollars could buy in additional equipment and personnel!
We are very fortunate to be serviced by a fire district that is not only well managed, but also always striving to be better. They have already improved the fire rating in Des Moines, and I saw my homeowners insurance drop this past year. I believe they deserve our vote, and they certainly have mine.
Madge A. Hanson
Des Moines