The Olde Burien Merchant's Association would like to thank all those who helped to make our recent "Hot August Nite" event such a success. A great deal of help came in too late to recognize in the print media we used to promote the event. The first among them being the Highline Times, followed closely by Rushforth Construction, RamLyn Engraving & Sign, Awards Services & our ever beloved anonymous.
We would also like to recognize those whose extra effort in to the event, especially Jim Clingan, Marc Pierce, Steve Tannehill, Bob Pierce, Robert Simpson Clark, Mark Pitzner, Jim Hayes, Pat O'Dell, John Kim, Harold Herrera and Vince Christiansen. If I've missed anyone I sincerely apologize.
In addition there were about 20 businesses who donated prizes at the last moment. Too many to list here.
Thank you all. We couldn't have done it without you.
Jean Kim
Olde Burien
Merchant's Association