Where Do Leaders Come From?
Tue, 09/04/2007
I need your help. I want to listen to you and find out what you think about leaders. Write and tell me about great leaders you know (a business owner, a physician, a writer, a teacher, a boss, a coworker, a politician, a volunteer, a family member, a cleric, etc). Let's open a dialogue on this topic.
Clearly, we are witnessing rapid change in our Community, Country, and the World. Is anyone leading this change?
Our traffic is a nightmare, costs and availability of healthcare is shameful, in education, physical fights break out at school district meetings, Mayor (Greg Nickles) says that any other option to a cut and cover tunnel in replacing the Alaska Way viaduct will be "...over my dead body." The State Speaker of the House (Frank Chopp) counters saying the State will support only a new viaduct. The Governor (Christine Gregoire) offers, "Let the citizens decide." The result: a million dollar vote (poll) that "...is not binding." Where is the leadership?
Is the King County Executive (Ron Sims) showing leadership on the Lora Lake Apartments issue by stepping in at the last minute or is he campaigning? Is the Burien City Council being inflexible saying the decision has been made? Where is the Leadership?
What happened to the Monorail and original Rapid Transit? Why is the underground bus tunnel closed for installing new light rail tracks? Didn't the costs of the original drilling in terms of time and money increase because they had to install rails for future light rail transportation? Now, we are installing different rails? Where was the Leadership?
Clearly there was no leadership in the Katrina disaster on any level.
The U.S. Congress and Washington State Legislature are so polarized that one side of the aisle is against any idea from the other side of the aisle even if it's a good idea. Where is the Leadership?
Corporate CEO's are earning an obscene amount of money even though they drive their companies' out of business, into bankruptcy, or buyouts while sending employees to the unemployment lines. And, while these CEO's are taking their money--ripped from the life savings of loyal employees--to the bank, they confound us by saying they did nothing wrong and would do it again. Where is the Leadership?
Lee Iacocca asks in the title of his new book, "Where have all the Leaders Gone?" Is he right?
I don't think so. It is very easy to point out all the blunders because the media puts every mistake under a magnifying glass-and rightfully so. However, oversights have costs. Not many people or projects have been, are, and would be flawless. Does this magnifying glass discourage people from standing up and getting involved? Does the thought of public scrutiny frighten or discourage people from taking the first step?
Good things are still getting done and these deeds and projects are being driven by someone. Who are these Leaders?
Let's identify them. Tell me your definition of Leadership and who you believe embodies your definition. Please give me your contact information because I believe we should write about and recognize these courageous people.
Rod Mattson
Rod Mattson can be contacted through his website at http://www.mattsoncommunication.com