This letter is in response to a P-I editorial, "Affordable Housing," on Sept. 3.
What do you expect that the higher-than-thou elected leaders in Burien really cared about housing? On the other hand, if they really cared, why tear up affordable housing and kick out the working poor?
We need the community to advocate on their behalf! Right?
Then there are the Port of Seattle commissioners that care even less because of the third runway project.
How about all the local residents who were forced out of their beautiful homes long ago for the sake of the runway project? Shame on them for forgetting the little people.
Here's a history note that needs to be repeated. The early pioneers burned down all the longhouses where the Duwamish people lived along the waters of the rivers and Puget Sound, the last one in 1894! So the Duwamish people know about being homeless.
Get out of the ivory tower, folks. It's a travesty of justice. First your land and then your home.
Cecile Hansen
The Duwamish Tribe