If Federal Way had a performing arts center, what would it look like?
How many seats would it have? Would there be one performance hall or two?
Where would you put it?
Should it be a green building?
And, hey, don't forget the espresso stand...
These are some of the questions the City of Federal Way has asked of its residents, and the local government plans to hold a public forum to glean community feedback about its aspirations for a new performing arts center.
The City of Federal Way this week finalized a contract with the Chicago-based Johnson
Consulting firm to look at the feasibility of building and operating such a center in Federal Way.
To kick off the study, the City is holding a public meeting to solicit hopes, dreams, wants and wishes about a potential performing arts center.
The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on October 23 at the Knutzen Family Theatre in the Dumas Bay Centre, 3200 S.W. Dash Point Road.
The event is free and refreshments will be served.
The $80,000 feasibility study also will analyze the future viability of the City-operated
Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre-with and without a stand-alone performing arts center in Federal Way-as well as provide business and operations plans for the facilities.
The City will pay for the study with $30,000 from the Dumas Bay Centre capital budget and $50,000 from the Federal Way Arts Commission budget.
Johnson Consulting provides strategic planning and direction on a variety of real estate uses such as convention centers, arenas, stadiums, fairgrounds and performing arts facilities. For more information about the company, visit http://www.chjc.com.
For more information about the feasibility study or about how to get involved, contact
Scott Pingel, City Manager's Office at 253.835.2403 or via email at scott.pingel@cityoffederalway.com.