I recently mailed a letter to registered voters to expose the record of Stephen Lamphear. This action was not associated with any other party or campaign.
Many people have expressed support for this effort. A few have questioned my motives and have called the letter either negative or dirty politics. I do not believe that straightforward, verifiable reporting is either negative or dirty campaigning. How else can voters know the record of the candidates? Each point in the letter was carefully documented and I continue to offer this information to anyone who requests it.
I did expect a harsh response from Lamphear's supporters; that is the nature of politics. I had decided to stand up, and I expected to get whacked. I thank the Times/News for allowing me to respond.
Ivan Weiss made accusations which reveal that he either did not read the letter, or chose to ignore the evidence it presents. He is a Lamphear supporter who lives on Vashon and has made it clear that he does not care what happens to Burien in the annexation process because it does not affect him. He has said that he does not care if Lamphear is dishonest because they are long term political allies. Ivan prefers cronyism to competence.
Many well-informed Burien Democratic leaders (e.g., Phil Talmadge, JoAn Cox, Kevin Fitz, Council Member Clark, and J. Fulop) do not support Lamphear; in contrast, they have endorsed his opponent rather than endure another four years of his behavior. Mr. Weiss lists Democratic political endorsements, but most live outside of Burien and have little investment in our future.
Mr. Lamphear's record speaks for itself, and reveals a long-term pattern of behavior not suited to public office. Burien is growing and many good things are happening here. It is essential to our civic progress to elect leaders who contribute to openness, cooperation and honesty in government affairs.
Ron Seale, Treasurer
Citizens for
Honesty in Government