It has hit the rumor mill that Kathy Keene, who is a candidate for Burien City Council, plans to keep her position on the Board of Water District 20 if elected to the council. With her stand on annexation of North Highline and her position on the water board, does this not seem like a huge conflict of interest?
With so much at stake, does it make sense to have one person with so much influence and who knows how much to gain, if they are elected? Can Kathy be trusted to make the right decisions if she is so deeply involved with one of the biggest issues that faces our area short of third runway stature?
I say that she needs to make a choice, one or the other. City Council or Water District 20, but not both. I see too much opportunity here for things to go awry.
Robert Keller
Ms. Keene responds:
I helped broker a verbal agreement with Seattle assuring WD 20 will remain intact in the event of an annexation. Neither the city of Burien nor the district has authority over each other, so there is no conflict.
I am curious how Mr. Keller knows my position on annexation since I have clearly stated that I am taking no position at this time. I wonder if he isn't confusing my stand on the PAA [potential annexation area], which was made long before I decided to run for City Council and was in keeping with my obligations as a Water Commissioner.