Compiled by Ralph Nichols
The Times/News last week contacted candidates for Highline-area elective offices whose names appear on the Nov. 6 general election ballot.
Questions asked in each race and their answers appear below.
All candidates on the ballot are listed. However, due to space constraints only those with opponents were asked to respond to questions.
* incumbent.
1. What is the next step in local economic development?
2. How will you balance growth and the environment?
Position 1
Stuart Creighton*
1. The city has two commercial centers and we need to focus our attention on helping those places to become more successful. Normandy Park is about 98 percent single family homes and large economic development opportunities are not available. But working with developers and encouraging the best use of our commercial sites is in the city's best interest.
2. Growth in Normandy Park is mostly redevelopment of existing home sites, as there are very few vacant lots left in the city. The city is in the process of reviewing its main land use regulations: building codes, critical areas ordinance and shoreline management plans.
The challenge is to make sure that new homes/major remodels can happen without over-whelming current neighborhoods. Sensitive areas need to be protected.
Doug Osterman
1. I will work with residents to develop and implement a unifying neighborhood plan, in partnership with Burien and Des Moines, along First Avenue South. The issues to address include vehicular traffic, transit, walking, biking, safety, and housing, utility and commercial land uses. The impact on adjacent neighborhoods must be positive. The goal will be to create a highly attractive and desirable neighborhood to live, work, shop, and play.
2. Growth (new housing and retail development) must be done in ways that protect and improve our creeks, wetlands, and beaches. This balance can be achieved by being more flexible in allowing houses closer to streams if existing degraded habitat is restored. Low impact technologies must also be used as our community develops.
Position 3
Shawn McEvoy*
Position 5
George Hadley*
Position 7
William Enersen*