Compiled by Ralph Nichols
The Times/News last week contacted candidates for Highline-area elective offices whose names appear on the Nov. 6 general election ballot.
Questions asked in each race and their answers appear below.
All candidates on the ballot are listed. However, due to space constraints only those with opponents were asked to respond to questions.
* incumbent
Commission Position 2
(short and full term)
1. Should Fire Districts 2 and 11 merge?
2. What is your top priority for improving local fire-protection service?
Wayne G. Alishokis*
Editor's note: Mr. Alishokis did not respond by the Times/News' deadline last Friday. On Sunday, he submitted his answers.
1. Yes I believe North Highline Fire District and King County Fire Department 2 should merge as a first step to a possibly second merger with South King Fire & Rescue.
2. My top priority is to keep NHFD the innovative fire department we are. Obviously the best thing that can be done for the citizens is to have as many firefighters on the job as possible and in the last year we created and filled three new firefighter positions. Our administrative staff now includes a Support Services Division, which among other things makes sure all firefighters are up to date on their required training and health care issues. The one big looming issue which the fire department has no control over is the possibility of annexation by the City of Burien or the City of Seattle or a combination of both. In the meantime we must keep our department focused on providing the best possible services to the great citizens in our district.
Heidi R. Johnson
1. North Highline Fire Department and Burien City Fire Department should definitely merge. Twelve years ago, District 2 and District 11 created a Fire and Emergency Medical Protection Agreement Contract between each other in which they share mutual aid services. This Contract is still present.
2. My priorities are to ensure that grants are being applied for to secure more funding for training, equipment, supplies, and the Emergency Crisis and Disaster Preparedness Plan. These are necessary tools for our Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Teams to be able to provide our community services. Considering the events that occurred last year in our blackout, I am going to also focus on creating a central hub for our residents; this will ensure that they have access to the items needed in an event of a crisis or disaster. These priorities will additionally secure that North Highline Residents continue to receive the excellent services that our Fire Department and Emergency Services Team already provide.