Compiled by Ralph Nichols
The Times/News last week contacted candidates for Highline-area elective offices whose names appear on the Nov. 6 general election ballot.
Questions asked in each race and their answers appear below.
All candidates on the ballot are listed. However, due to space constraints only those with opponents were asked to respond to questions.
* incumbent.
1. What is your top priority upgrading or maintaining aging district facilities?
2. How would you fund capital improvement projects?
Commission Position 2
John Jovanovich
Did not respond.
Bill Tracy*
1. My top priority for upgrading and maintaining our aging district facilities is to have an accurate picture of what needs to be done. To that end, we have obtained new equipment, which led us to develop our current rehabilitation of Chelsea Park and Seahurst Beach. This ongoing process started with Regal Heights and Marion Heights. We also have made and continue to make improvements at both treatment plants.
2. Funding for capital improvements has largely come from low-interest Public Trust Fund Loans, which we have been granted reaching over $6 million. We will continue to apply for these funds as well as pursue bond measures. If the other choices are not feasible then we might have to adjust our rates.